Wednesday, May 20, 2009

HK meets Manila!!! (PART-II)

Here is the 2nd part of the HK meets Manila series. This time, HK writers Xeme, Redy and Maru and French writer Hohsek hooked up with SBA writers Bonz, Meow and Sway-1 and PBC writers Ripe-1 and Skip-1. Check out their trackside pieces done in Paco, Manila. Photos by Redy

Xeme (KB)

Redy (BNS)

Ripe-1 (PBC)

Meow (SBA)

Sway-1 (SBA)

Bonz (SBA)

Skip-1 (PBC)

Maru (FHK)

Hobsek (FHK)

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